Ekklesia 360

How to Convince Your Leadership It’s Time for a New Church Website

Posted by Ekklesia 360 Team


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Having a beautiful and effective church website is critical in this era for communication, exposure, and engagement with your congregation. With so many people spending time online with unlimited access to information, you want your church to do everything it can to share the good news with the world.

Maybe your church needs to revamp your current website, create a new one, or rebrand altogether. Having a hard time convincing your pastor or church board that your website needs an overhaul? No problem! Here are some ideas to get your church leadership on board with updating your website.

You’ll want to explain that having a well-designed website can actually save time, money, and energy, and how it will be effective in bringing in new guests, connecting current members, and growing the church overall.


In your conversation with your pastor and/or church board, share how one of the fastest ways people will discover your church is through your website.

We exist in an online, fast-paced world. Most church seekers find their next church via online searches. If your church doesn’t have a website or it’s out of date, you could be missing out on new people discovering your house of worship.

First impressions matter, too. As unfortunate as it may be, potential churchgoers will make a judgment about your church in the first few seconds of interaction. If those first moments take place online, you want to be sure they can find the information they are looking for, such as location, service times, what to expect, and an overview of what your church believes. Having a well-designed church website will encourage them to attend in person and get connected.

Next Steps

Many pastors want churchgoers to get connected and grow in their faith. To do this, churches usually offer various avenues to grow, whether through classes, events, ministries, etc. Explain that your website will help people understand what they should do next.

After members have attended your services for some time, they will want to know how to take any next steps. Sure, they can hear about the membership class or home groups during the announcements or in the church bulletin, but many people will look to your website to learn more about how to get involved.

An effective church website is another communication tool. Disclose to your congregation when events will be happening, provide sign-up options, and allow them to explore opportunities to serve. In fact, the marketing rule of 7 indicates that it takes an average of seven interactions with a company or brand before a prospect will commit to buying a product or service. It may sound taboo to think about your church website as a marketing tool, but with the inconsistency of church attendance, people’s attention spans, and the notion that people need to hear or see something multiple times before deciding, having a practical website can be a very powerful tool in connecting your congregation to your church, each other, and the community.


For churches without hundreds of staff members and resources to accomplish everything a ministry needs to run effectively, an easy-to-use website design template (like an e360 theme!) can save time and money. Ekklesia360 makes it simple to create a stunning website designed specifically for your church’s vision and mission without having to hire contractors or utilize outside sources.

However, take a moment to think about how your church is spending time, money, and energy when it comes to your website. Maybe it’s time to approach a bigger discussion with your team about doing a more comprehensive site. The web experts at e360 ensure your project needs are met, no matter the size or complexity of the project. You can go completely custom with our team who will help build your ministry online. You have the potential to save hundreds of hours of fiddling by connecting with a team that is built for ministries.

Worry Less

Your pastor and leadership board will feel reassured that everything is taken care of regarding your church website. There are many features to make web-life simple. Such as being able to change your theme and redesign as often as you want. Add events to your site, like a community clean-up or the annual women’s retreat. Upload an unlimited number of sermons, videos, and other media to keep your members engaged. Don’t forget the support. Whoever oversees the establishment and maintenance of the website will not be alone. Receive access to support from real people who want to help your church succeed. Spend more time on your ministry instead of maintaining software.


Want to make things even easier? It’s about more than just a church website. With Ekklesia360, you can incorporate online giving, church management software (ChMS), and a mobile app without having to scour the internet for these services. Get everything you need under one “roof” to operate your church smoothly.

Rather than spending hours rummaging through spreadsheets and documents, ChMS makes managing your church even easier. Stop overexerting and make life easier with integrations. You’ll discover the ROI when using these tools together because you’ll save an incredible amount of time and money with everything working together.

What Now?

Ekklesia360 is here to help your church achieve its goals. In fact, it is our mission to equip the church to do what God has called you to do. Let your church leadership know about the ease of website creation in order to attract new churchgoers, communicate with current members, and connect your people. Try a free e360 demo today!


Try It Now


Topics: church websites, Website Design


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