Ekklesia 360

Featured Multi-Site Church: Eagle Brook and Their Proven Results

Posted by Samantha Decker



When a church grows, that is definitely a good thing. And if you decide your church needs to add another location in order to reach more people, well that is a good thing, too. As you continue to add locations, you might find yourself with a problem - how in the world do you get your church website to accommodate your multi-site status? How do you continue to use your website to further your mission? And most importantly, how do you not overwhelm new visitors when they come to your site?

While multi-site churches have different needs, there are ways to make the website smooth and streamlined. Not cumbersome. Not complex. There are certain things you may have to do a little differently. For instance, you have to make it look like you're not competing with other campuses. (Which you're not, of course!) And because you are not, your website needs to have a more unified style to show that each campus is striving toward one common goal. Also, because you have so much going on in different locations, you have to be careful that your complex logistics don't spill over onto your website. In other words, it's vitally important to make your website easy to navigate.

If you're looking for an example of a multi-site church that does all of this and does it well, then let us introduce Eagle Brook Church. Not only does this church have six, yes - that's right - six different locations, they have also recently launched their first online church services. We're not just going to describe everything that Eagle Brook Church is doing with their website, we'll show you, too!


Eagle Brook Church Homepage


Their homepage is welcoming, inviting, and most importantly it gives you a snapshot of exactly what to expect at their church. Whether you're a new visitor to their site, you're looking for locations and service times, or if you want to listen to their latest message, all of it is easily accessible right from their homepage.

One more feature we really like about their homepage is that by clicking on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner, a menu pops out with links to all kinds of information so that you can easily find what you're looking for. If you do get busy checking things out and you want to return to their homepage, simply click on their logo at the top left.


Eagle Brook Church Campus Pages


We love the unified look of this multi-site church's campus webpages. Each of them has the same color scheme and also offers all of the same information, such as a welcome message from the campus pastor, the same What to Expect message, and a Plan your Visit section which includes the service times, campus location, and directions for getting there.

Each page also has a list of upcoming events for that particular campus. This all makes navigation super easy and alleviates a lot of confusion.


Eagle Brook Church Live Streams


Another feature their multi-site church website has to offer is their recently launched live streams. This allows visitors to tune in to their 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. church services from anywhere in the world. How cool is that! The great thing about this feature, is that in case you missed the live stream and you intend to watch it later in the week (or you want to watch it again), you can do so by finding the latest message on their homepage and clicking "Watch Now."


Eagle Brook Church Live Streams Results

According to the church communicator at Eagle Brook Church, the initial launch of their online church services was a huge success. Their results included:

  • 4,023 unique viewers across two services
  • Viewers in 42 states
  • Viewers in 18 countries

"We heard story after story of people sharing how grateful they were to experience our church services live online. We're connecting with dozens of people who want to learn more about Eagle Brook or receive prayer."


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