Church Communications Blog

Why Your Church Should Live Stream This Holiday Season

Written by Ekklesia 360 Team | Oct 21, 2021 10:29:42 PM

Christmas is an incredible opportunity to share the gospel because more people, including non-Christians, are more likely to attend worship services on Christmas Eve than any other day of the year. In fact, throughout the pandemic, Lifeway Research found pastors reporting that new people who had previously not attended their church in the past, attended or connected online. This shows that also offering live streamed services can help engage people who normally wouldn’t attend church otherwise. 

It’s a great idea to offer live streaming for your Christmas services in addition to any of the in-person events you plan on hosting. Some people don’t feel comfortable or maybe they’re under the weather and aren’t able to attend in-person. Others may be traveling for the holidays. Live streaming makes it possible for more people to still celebrate as a church family.  

The Bible encourages people to go out and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). The heart of this gospel message is what propels churches to spread the good news across the street and across the globe. Live streaming can be a tool that furthers this mission. 

Below are four reasons why your church should offer live streamed services this holiday season. 


Increase Engagement 

By live streaming your Christmas message, you are providing people the opportunity to engage with the content you are providing them. They may not be able to interact with the people in the service, but the online community can interact with each other through the live chat function while watching the sermon. 

Viewers can post a question during the live stream, and a team member can answer their question as soon as they post it. This creates a unique dynamic for people to connect about the Christmas story or simply ask clarifying questions to ensure they understand the sermon’s message.  


Encourage Outreach 

For various reasons, some people just don’t feel comfortable going to a church service in person. Particularly for “pre-Christians,” offering an online option can help them understand a little bit more about what to expect if they were to show up at your church.  

Christmas is the perfect time of year, too, because people who don’t usually attend church are more open to it during the holidays. Having a live stream can encourage people outside your church building to feel welcome. With people who might be interested in Christianity, but are too nervous to jump in headfirst, live streaming is a great opportunity for them to join anxiety-free. 


Welcome New Members 

Live streaming is a great way for new churchgoers in the area to learn about your church and what all you offer. If a new family moves to town and desires to learn more about a church before going, a live stream video is a perfect place to start! It helps ensure they agree with the messages being spoken and encourages them that their family will be in good hands when they do attend. And because so many people start attending church for the first time at a Christmas service, it could help draw them to continue going as the new year rolls around.  


Allow Greater Attendance 

People have their own traditions every year; for some, those include attending church together. And as much as others desire to do the same, they also want to spend time with family and friends. Or maybe they’re traveling for the holidays. Some simply wish to be cozy at home. Live streaming allows a way for those who aren’t able to attend to continue to participate in church without being at church. 

By live streaming your Christmas services, you’ll be able to include more people. And it’s not about the numbers. The more people who watch your message, the more opportunity there is for them to hear the gospel and potentially experience the life change that can only happen through Jesus Christ.  


Next Steps 

Engage even more people this holiday season with live streaming. The team at Ekklesia360 has got you covered with Contact us today to get started with your free live streaming trial.