Church Communications Blog

Are You Trying to Organize A LOT of Church Website Information?

Written by Joanna Gray | Oct 24, 2016 1:27:00 PM

Are you trying to organize a lot of website information? Our new Ministry-Focused Layout can help! Available for your church website.

When our developers built Ekklesia 360, they had growth in mind. Your website can grow as your church grows. 


What's in the Design?

Our designers and developers really brought this one home for us. The MFL, Articles 4, does a great job of helping you organize information and helping your congregation find the content they are looking for. Click over to our portfolio page to see this layout in action, but here's a quick look at the feature and functionality of the Articles 4 Layout.

Landing Page
  1. Featured articles are at the top of the page -- of course!
  2. We've got super-simple filters showing category, speaker, series, etc. -- really letting your content drive this layout forward.

Search Results / Author List View

  1. List view of results when a user searches for a term.
  2. And list view of results if the user clicks the author name (shows all the author's posts).
  3. Even though this is list view of results, there's still a section with Featured Articles.

Series View

  1. This view would be shown if the user clicks a series from the Series Section filter.
  2. You can also use this view as your landing page, if your articles are more Series-driven.
  3. Also available: list view of series (image for series with description text).
  4. Lazy Load and Search -- lets your viewer never run of out content. 

Detail Page for Individual Content Media

  1. Media image, title, and description, as well as page content, author and date, category tags, and "more" from that category -- keep your congregation engaged with your content and make it easy for them to find more. 
  2. Media: video, audio, download audio button, notes button.
  3. About the author section and featured articles section.

It's already live, too. You can see the new Layout in Action at Rush Creek.  (Please note, Rush Creek does have a bit of extra tailoring on the layout.) You can get a great idea of what is possible for your church website. 

How to Get Started with the Articles Layout

The new Articles Layout #4 will allow you to promote, explain, and fully support the worship and work of your church.

This ministry focused layout was built to help you communicate all the information your church has to offer -- in a coherent and easy way. We’ve based this design on years of helping churches communicate. The structure of this page allows you to easily add in the most important information and allows your congregation to get straight to the heart of your messaging.

If you're already using Ekklesia 360 for your website you can get this layout as an add-on or as a part of a full redesign. Fill out the support form (use topic: "new layout") and let us know how we can help you.