Church Communications Blog

6 Ways To Digitally Maximize The Easter Experience For Your Church

Written by Melissa Blakey | Mar 5, 2015 8:28:00 AM

Easter is here again! For many church communicators, this is your time to shine. Sure, you’re busy doing everything you normally do for your church -- graphics, videos, website content, social media posts, saving the day...but you’re also in charge of coordinating all of the communications efforts for Easter, which means your “to do” list is probably a mile long! But don’t sweat it, you’re doing great and we’re here to help.

Easter is kind of like the Super Bowl for Church Communicators. Did you know according to an article in The Daily Beast last year, Easter is the busiest day of the year in church, increasing the average congregation size anywhere from 25 to 50 percent? As the one in charge of communications, it’s up to you to make sure all of the elements you’re overseeing help attract newcomers and make a good impression on new visitors.

So, the questions you’re probably asking right now are:

Is what I’m in charge of going to be ready in time?

Is it going to help people feel welcome at our church?

If you’re feeling nervous, don’t worry. Our talented designers know you're extremely busy going into Easter. To help, we’ve provided you FREE Church Easter Graphics


Here are 6 Ways To Digitally Maximize The Easter Experience For Your Church

1. Put Easter On Your Homepage    

People visiting your site are likely going to it in order to find information about your church. Because you want to make it as easy as possible for them to connect with your Easter services and events, making sure Easter is one of the first things they see will help them make the leap from website viewer to onsite visitor.

2. Create a Central Place for All of Your Easter Events on Your Website

There are tons of activities churches plan for and schedule during the Easter season. Why not make it easy for new visitors, or even regular attenders, to see a complete list of events happening this Easter season at your church? From there you can create separate pages with more specific information so people will know exactly what to expect for each event. You can link directly to the separate pages from this central page.

Be sure to include the time, location (clickable to a map), a message about what to expect, and a button so your congregants can add it to their calendar.

3. Invite Your Community to Share Easter Events on Social Media

A great way for your community members to get involved in helping promote Easter at your church is through their social media networks.

  • First, make sure to tell your congregants to follow you on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, if they aren’t already.

  • Share images frequently on social networks during the weeks leading up to Easter. Tell your congregation to share your images with friends as a way to invite others to church.

  • Invent your own hashtag for Easter to aggregate information and pictures from all of your Easter events. In addition to social media, you can promote the hashtag to your congregation through bulletins, announcements, and on your website.

  • For the social media savvy in your group, place images on your website where they can easily find and download them for their own use. Create an image for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, or use ours.

Ready for some good news? We have Easter graphics that you can use.  Download them for free here:

4. Have One Easy-to-remember URL for Easter

Say for instance one of your regular members sees a friend at the grocery store and wants to invite their friend to Easter. An easy URL name will help equip your congregants with a memorable (and easy to type) way to connect people to your Easter information online. In our test website, we used the extension “/easter-week-2015” so visitors to our website would know that it’s for Easter this year. One suggestion is to use your church’s URL and then “/easter.”

5. Learn Ideas From Other Church Communicators

There are a lot of other ways to creatively prepare for Easter. And, what better way to learn than from your peers! One great place to do this is through the Church Marketing Sucks Twitter chats on Thursdays at 6PM PST.  Steve Fogg, the chat’s moderator, even wrote a blog about 21 tips from Church Communicators to help the community brainstorm ideas.

6. Use Our Free Easter Graphics

Our designers have created a special Easter graphics pack for you! Included are .psd and .jpg versions and all graphics are specially designed for:

  • Facebook (both cover and profile picture)

  • Twitter

  • Instagram

  • Website Homepage Rotator/Carousel.

We hope you enjoy this pack of FREE Church Easter Graphics and we wish you a blessed Easter season.

Download your free bundle today!