Church Communications Blog

6 Reasons Your Church Needs Live Streaming

Written by Samantha Decker | Mar 26, 2019 3:20:00 PM

The Gospel encourages people to go out and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). The heart of this Gospel message is what propels churches to send missionaries and support them financially across the globe. What if your church could do more than just support someone financially? What if you could provide quality content that not only propels people to go out and make disciples, but equips and encourages them in the process? The good news is that there is an easy way to make this happen. It’s called church live streaming and many churches are broadcasting their services for the world to hear. Let’s take a look at the top 6 reasons your church needs live streaming and how it can be effective in making disciples.

1. Increase Engagement

By Church live streaming your weekly sermon, you are providing people the opportunity to engage with the content you are providing them. Imagine someone has a question as they watch the sermon. If that person is sitting in the audience, they will shy away from blurting out their question for the entire church to hear, but if they have the opportunity to post a question during the live stream, you can have a team ready to answer their question as soon as they post it. This creates a unique dynamic for people to wrestle with the hard topics of scripture or simply ask clarifying questions to ensure they understand the sermon’s message.

2. Encourage Outreach

What if you are starting to think about Christianity and what all it offers. If you are just in the beginning stages of learning about Christians, it may seem overwhelming to head to the nearest church and join a small group, especially when you have no idea what to expect. But, if you are able to watch a few Church live streaming services online before you go, you can get a handle on what they do and how they do it. Imagine that simple act giving you the confidence to actually enter those church doors and attend a service or two. Imagine that Church live streaming video being the first thing that led you to fully believe in Jesus Christ. With people who might be interested in Christianity, but are too nervous to jump in head first, live streaming is a great opportunity for them to join anxiety-free.

3. Welcome New Members

Church live streaming is a great way for new Church goers in the area to learn about your church and what all you offer. If a new family moves to town and desires to learn more about a church before going, a livestream video is the perfect place to start! It helps ensure they agree with the messages being spoken and encourages them that their family will be in good hands when they do attend.

4. Equip the Church Body

Church live streaming can also equip people in your town and around the world. If you have local or national missionaries who can gather a group of people to listen to the truths being spoken at the time of your sermon, having a live stream helps send your Gospel message out to the masses. These missionaries can even recruit translators to make sure God’s truth is being spoken accurately and intentionally to whomever may desire it.

5. Spread Your Message

When you think of Church live streaming, don’t limit yourself to thinking solely of live streaming sermons. What if you could live stream women’s and men's bible studies or other key classes your church offers? Live streaming more than just your Sunday sermons can create an intentional community growing in knowledge together for the sake of the Gospel. This type of live streaming can also benefit those who are being sent into different neighborhoods, cities, and countries all for the sake of teaching the missionaries and those they come in contact with too.

6. Encourage Those Around You

If you have ever stepped back and listened while people worship together on a Sunday morning, you can hear the power of a group of people proclaiming Jesus’ name. That type of encouragement in worshipping our Living Savior can be felt through Church live streaming too. Someone living in a remote area may feel as if they are the only Christian around, but joining a group of people who are worshipping Jesus can bring great encouragement. Even for people who are not able to attend church one Sunday due to illness or being out-of-town, may find encouragement in seeing their home church worship and teach the Gospel through Church live streaming.